Data is the new oil and Data integration isn’t just for large enterprises. Every organization can benefit from a data integration strategy, because every single business needs to be able to use its data to compete effectively. Most businesses use multiple applications to support their business, such as CRMs, accounting applications, and asset management systems, and even standard spreadsheet software. Data is locked in silos in each of these applications, which can result in disconnects and miscommunications between departments or processes. If important decisions are based on misinformation resulting from these disconnects, the results will be less than optimal or even detrimental to a business.


There are several different approaches to data integration.


Data warehousing is a type of data integration that involves using a data warehouse to cleanse, format, and store data. Data warehousing is one of many integration systems that is used to deliver insight to an organization by allowing analysts to compare data consolidated from multiple heterogeneous sources.


Middleware data integration is a data integration system that involves using a middleware application as a go-between, moving data between source systems and the central data repository. The middleware helps to format and validate data before sending it to the repository, which might be a cloud data warehouse or a database.


Data consolidation involves the combining of data from multiple systems to create a single data source. ETL software is often used to support data consolidation.


Application-based integration involves using software to find, extract, and integrate data. During integration, the software processes the data so that data sets from different source systems are compatible with one another and with the destination system.

Technology Business Partners can help to define your Data Integration approach. Technologies in this domain typically include Data Lakes, ETL, Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools